Smart-ads - your friendly local advertising booklets - was born in June 1992. We have been doing this for 32 years now … and still going strong!. Some of our advertisers have been with us from the beginning and we are grateful for their ongoing support. You can have an advert designed especially for your business in Smart-Ads. The cost of this is included in the price. Distribution of our pamphlets is done by our own employees and we take 2 weeks to deliver each issue. This is done so that enquiries are spread over that time.
Accounting Service
Books to balance Sheet
Financial Statements
Company & VAT Reg
Tax and VAT returns
Payroll Services
Nicholas 0842307444
Office 0120650539
Email Easyfinanceconsultants@gmail.com
Need someone to look after your house while you’re away
House sitting
Pet caring
Plant watering
Contact Jean-Claude
Call 084 222 3880
For all your Plumbing Needs
We are OPEN the whole of December 24/7
Call 072 027 1157
Call 084 849 5573
School uniforms for:
Bracken Primary
Bracken High
Glenview Kenton
Alberton High
Custom made uniforms:
Medical Practice
Whatsapp for Appointment:
061 469 4094
Kudiabor House, 42 Hennie Alberts Brackenhurst
Accounting Service
Books to balance Sheet
Financial Statements
Company & VAT Reg
Tax and VAT returns
Payroll Services
Nicholas 0842307444
Office 0120650539
Email Easyfinanceconsultants@gmail.com
Need someone to look after your house while you’re away
House sitting
Pet caring
Plant watering
Contact Jean-Claude
Call 084 222 3880
For all your Plumbing Needs
We are OPEN the whole of December 24/7
Call 072 027 1157
Call 084 849 5573
School uniforms for:
Bracken Primary
Bracken High
Glenview Kenton
Alberton High
Custom made uniforms:
Medical Practice
Whatsapp for Appointment:
061 469 4094
Kudiabor House, 42 Hennie Alberts Brackenhurst